13-Oct-1978, Uptown Theatre, Chicago IL, USA - Genesis With Phil Collins

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46 years, 0 months, 12 days ago.

Title Genesis With Phil Collins
(imt 920.003)
Date 13-Oct-1978
Venue Uptown Theatre, Chicago IL
Country USA Type FM
  USA Quality * A-
  Media 2CD-R
Track # Track Name
Track Length
1.1Eleventh Earl Of Mar
1.2In The Cage
1.3Burning Rope
1.4The Musical Box (closing)
1.5The Lady Lies
1.6The Cinema Show
1.7The Cinema Show (continued)
1.9One For The Vine
2.1Follow You, Follow Me
2.2Dance On A Volcano / Drum Duet
2.3Dancing With The Moonlit Knight / The Musical Box (Closing)
2.5Deep In The Motherlode
2.7Say It's Alright Joe
2.8Los Endos
2.9I Know What I Like
Total Running Time :

Recording Comments Recording comments
Tracks are mislabeled on the cover: 'In that quiet earth' is really the instrumental part of Cinema Show, 'Dancing with the moonlit knight' segues into the "She's a lady" part from 'Musical Box'.

Track order isn't the order in which the songs were performed. The "Musical box" closing part is split *again* into two parts. 1.04 begins with "I've been waiting here for so long". The "She's a lady" part is attached to 2.03 (Moonlit knight).
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Audio Recording Users owning this recording (including quality rating)
Paulhere, neilston42, Chiffi_Argentina, meek, jvkl, hecko, Master84, NeilC (A-), wolli, UK76 (A-), Ecki, mlpain24, cirrus, rudystammer, vanbijo, jackson, mattholland, MetalMike (A-), fuelesfan, Face-Value (A), 666_is_no_longer_alone (A-), tmmadhatter, Langemozo
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See Also See Also

13-Oct-1978 Uptown Theatre, Chicago IL - Follow You Follow Me
13-Oct-1978 Uptown Theatre, Chicago IL - From The Mouth Of The Monster
13-Oct-1978 Uptown Theatre, Chicago IL - Master Of Chicago Show
13-Oct-1978 Uptown Theatre, Chicago IL - BURP 003
13-Oct-1978 Uptown Theatre, Chicago IL - Live In 78 & Misc.
13-Oct-1978 Uptown Theatre, Chicago IL - SAB 05
13-Oct-1978 Uptown Theatre, Chicago IL - Genesis With Phil Collins Vol 1, 2 & 3
13-Oct-1978 Uptown Theatre, Chicago IL - JW Version
13-Oct-1978 Uptown Theatre, Chicago IL - SAB 05 Version 2
13-Oct-1978 Uptown Theatre, Chicago IL - Live At Uptown Theatre (Part 1 & 2)
13-Oct-1978 Uptown Theatre, Chicago IL - Live And Unauthorized
13-Oct-1978 Uptown Theatre, Chicago IL - Live In Chicago
13-Oct-1978 Uptown Theatre, Chicago IL - Follow Us
13-Oct-1978 Uptown Theatre, Chicago IL - BURP 044
13-Oct-1978 Uptown Theatre, Chicago IL - Definitive Chicago
13-Oct-1978 Uptown Theatre, Chicago IL

Artwork for this date

Click to download artwork for Master Of Chicago Show Click to download artwork for Follow You Follow Me Click to download artwork for Genesis With Phil Collins Click to download artwork for Genesis With Phil Collins Click to download artwork for Live In Chicago 1978 Click to download untitled artwork Click to download artwork for BURP 003 Click to download artwork for BURP 003 Click to download artwork for SAB 05 Click to download artwork for SAB 05 Click to download artwork for Genesis With Phil Collins Vol 1, 2 & 3 Click to download artwork for SAB 05 Version 2 Click to download artwork for SAB 05 Version 2 Click to download artwork for JW Version Click to download artwork for Live At Uptown Theatre (Part 1 & 2) Click to download artwork for Live And Unauthorized Click to download artwork for Genesis Live : Chicago 78 (2CD Ver) Click to download artwork for Follow Us Click to download artwork for Definitive Chicago Click to download untitled artwork Click to download untitled artwork


* Quality rating average from 5 cast votes.

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