13-Oct-1978, Uptown Theatre, Chicago IL, USA - Live In 78 & Misc.

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46 years, 0 months, 12 days ago.

Title Live In 78 & Misc.
No artwork available
Date 13-Oct-1978
Venue Uptown Theatre, Chicago IL
Country USA Type
  USA Quality * Unknown
  Media 1CD-R
Track # Track Name
1.1Musical Box (Closing Section)
1.2The Lady Lies
1.3Cinema Show Medley
1.4It - Palace Theatre, Providence, 12-Dec-74
1.5Seven Stones - Tetra Alcione, Genova, Italy, 22-Aug-72
1.6Going Out To Get You
1.7Silver Song
1.8Only Your Love (Demo From Cryme)
1.9San Jacinto - Live
1.10While The Earth Sleeps
1.11In The Air Tonight - Holly McNarland
Total Running Time :

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Simon_Funnell, Tradax
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See Also See Also

13-Oct-1978 Uptown Theatre, Chicago IL - Follow You Follow Me
13-Oct-1978 Uptown Theatre, Chicago IL - From The Mouth Of The Monster
13-Oct-1978 Uptown Theatre, Chicago IL - Master Of Chicago Show
13-Oct-1978 Uptown Theatre, Chicago IL - BURP 003
13-Oct-1978 Uptown Theatre, Chicago IL - SAB 05
13-Oct-1978 Uptown Theatre, Chicago IL - Genesis With Phil Collins
13-Oct-1978 Uptown Theatre, Chicago IL - Genesis With Phil Collins Vol 1, 2 & 3
13-Oct-1978 Uptown Theatre, Chicago IL - JW Version
13-Oct-1978 Uptown Theatre, Chicago IL - SAB 05 Version 2
13-Oct-1978 Uptown Theatre, Chicago IL - Live At Uptown Theatre (Part 1 & 2)
13-Oct-1978 Uptown Theatre, Chicago IL - Live And Unauthorized
13-Oct-1978 Uptown Theatre, Chicago IL - Live In Chicago
13-Oct-1978 Uptown Theatre, Chicago IL - Follow Us
13-Oct-1978 Uptown Theatre, Chicago IL - BURP 044
13-Oct-1978 Uptown Theatre, Chicago IL - Definitive Chicago
13-Oct-1978 Uptown Theatre, Chicago IL

Artwork for this date

Click to download artwork for Master Of Chicago Show Click to download artwork for Follow You Follow Me Click to download artwork for Genesis With Phil Collins Click to download artwork for Genesis With Phil Collins Click to download artwork for Live In Chicago 1978 Click to download untitled artwork Click to download artwork for BURP 003 Click to download artwork for BURP 003 Click to download artwork for SAB 05 Click to download artwork for SAB 05 Click to download artwork for Genesis With Phil Collins Vol 1, 2 & 3 Click to download artwork for SAB 05 Version 2 Click to download artwork for SAB 05 Version 2 Click to download artwork for JW Version Click to download artwork for Live At Uptown Theatre (Part 1 & 2) Click to download artwork for Live And Unauthorized Click to download artwork for Genesis Live : Chicago 78 (2CD Ver) Click to download artwork for Follow Us Click to download artwork for Definitive Chicago Click to download untitled artwork Click to download untitled artwork


* Quality rating average from cast votes.

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