20-Oct-1973, Rainbow Theatre, London, England - The Easy Rider Generation In Concert

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51 years, 0 months, 5 days ago.

Title The Easy Rider Generation In Concert
(Nota Blue Musica 930134)
Date 20-Oct-1973
Venue Rainbow Theatre, London
Country England Type FM
  England Quality * A-
  Media 1CD-R
Track # Track Name
Track Length
1.1Dancing With The Moonlit Knight
1.2Firth Of Fifth
1.3I Know What I Like
1.4The Musical Box (16-Jan-72)
1.5Supper's Ready
Total Running Time :

Recording Comments Recording comments
The Artwork is the best Thing of this Recording :D

There are actually better recordings from this Gig,
Sounds a little bit like an Audience Recording... Its Ok, but only for Collectors [chinwildchicken]
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Audio Recording Users owning this recording (including quality rating)
Simon_Funnell (A-), Matt McMad, Chiffi_Argentina, meek, hecko, cirrus, rudystammer, vanbijo, jackson, yild4genesis (A-), Face-Value (A-), chinwildchicken, ajh2908
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See Also See Also

20-Oct-1973 Rainbow Theatre, London - The Great Lost Live Album
20-Oct-1973 Rainbow Theatre, London - Live Supper
20-Oct-1973 Rainbow Theatre, London - Watchers Of The Skies
20-Oct-1973 Rainbow Theatre, London - "Willow Farm" In Rainbow
20-Oct-1973 Rainbow Theatre, London - Welcome To Epping Forest
20-Oct-1973 Rainbow Theatre, London - WXRT Chicago Broadcast
20-Oct-1973 Rainbow Theatre, London - WXRT Chicago Broadcast 2005
20-Oct-1973 Rainbow Theatre, London - Welcome To Epping Forest Remastered
20-Oct-1973 Rainbow Theatre, London - The Great Lost Live Album
20-Oct-1973 Rainbow Theatre, London - WXRT Chicago Broadcast 2005
20-Oct-1973 Rainbow Theatre, London - Chloe In The Garden
20-Oct-1973 Rainbow Theatre, London - Great Lost Live Album Vol. 1
20-Oct-1973 Rainbow Theatre, London - Great Lost Live Album Vol. 2
20-Oct-1973 Rainbow Theatre, London - In Concert 1973
20-Oct-1973 Rainbow Theatre, London - Great Lost Live Album Recompiled
20-Oct-1973 Rainbow Theatre, London - The Missing Box
20-Oct-1973 Rainbow Theatre, London - Genesis - Live
20-Oct-1973 Rainbow Theatre, London - Welcome To Epping Forest
20-Oct-1973 Rainbow Theatre, London - Rainbow - Full And Remastered

Artwork for this date

Click to download artwork for The Great Lost Live Album Click to download artwork for Click to download artwork for Click to download artwork for Willow Farm In Rainbow Click to download artwork for Welcome To Epping Forest Click to download artwork for Watchers Of The Skies Click to download untitled artwork Click to download artwork for The Great Lost Live Album Click to download artwork for WXRT Chicago Broadcast 2005 Click to download artwork for The Great Lost Live Album Click to download artwork for WXRT Chicago Broadcast 2005 Click to download artwork for The Easy Rider Generation In Concert Click to download artwork for The Missing Box Click to download artwork for Chloe In The Garden Click to download artwork for Welcome To Epping Forest Click to download artwork for Rainbow - Full And Remastered


* Quality rating average from 3 cast votes.

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