24-Feb-1973, Free Trade Hall, Manchester, England - Live In Leicester

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51 years, 11 months, 13 days ago.

Title Live In Leicester
(TM Productions GEN730225TM)
Date 24-Feb-1973
Venue Free Trade Hall, Manchester
Country England Type Pre-FM
  England Quality * A+
  Media 1CD-R
Track # Track Name
Track Length
1.1Watcher Of The Skies
1.2The Musical Box
1.3Get 'Em Out By Friday
1.4Supper's Ready
1.5The Return Of The Giant Hogweed (Manchester 24-Feb-73)
1.6The Knife
Total Running Time :

Recording Comments Recording comments
From the Dutch test pressing of Genesis Live. This version includes all the stories and Supper's Ready. Compared to previous transfers, this is an astounding triumph. [Simon_Funnell]

The track times above represent the music only plus the referring applause, from the Index-1-mark to the end of each track. This excludes the intro sections - they were tracked separately in the pre-gap area between Index-0 and Index-1. Therefore the actual CD total time is 1:15.04. [tom]

THE ultimate version of this wonderful collectors item. Finest sound quality ever found, this release put all the other ones onto shame. I really wonder how did they manage to produce this, it's such a professional remastering work!.

This is what Genesis Live could have been... well, I think the guys should have a listen to this priceless piece of work and then ... release it as should have been at last!, with all the fascinating Gabriel stories, a more natural live atmosphere and the arguably best version I've ever heard of Supper's Ready. I hope Simon has contacts with the band... [ponkine]

Far superior in sound and quality than the "official" one.
It's a true collectors' piece and a great one to get. [Jack_Floyd]

Well, it's not 'far superior' in sound qualty than the offical Live album, but it is more complete and sounds pretty close. Well done! Had an opportunity to buy a copy of the test pressing some years ago and passed - %^&*#$^#@#$. I understand why the band chose the later version of SR for release on the live box set, but it is great to have this version now in such good quality. [ca1ore]

I still think it is, anyway...

Written back in 2009 (shortly before the Live Boxset mixes were released), my opinion was based on all previous remasters up until then, therefore, TM's version had no fair rival - Genesis Live had too many issues that needed to be corrected to even come close of the achievement of this release.
Today, Genesis Live has come a long way in the hands of Nick Davies from the so-so versions before him. And yet, GEN730225TM (i.e. this one) still surpasses the official in terms of ambience and completeness, also, the tambourine makes more realistic presences throughout.

So, not as "far better" as it was back then, but still THE Manchester/Leicester item to get up until now! (as of Jan, 2014.) [Jack_Floyd]
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See Also See Also

24-Feb-1973 Free Trade Hall, Manchester - Some Of You Are Going To Die
24-Feb-1973 Free Trade Hall, Manchester - Test Pressing
24-Feb-1973 Free Trade Hall, Manchester - BURP 021
24-Feb-1973 Free Trade Hall, Manchester - Some Of You Are Going To Die - Remasterd
24-Feb-1973 Free Trade Hall, Manchester - Genuine Genesis Live
24-Feb-1973 Free Trade Hall, Manchester
24-Feb-1973 Free Trade Hall, Manchester - Free Trade Hall Remastered
24-Feb-1973 Free Trade Hall, Manchester - Live Raririties 1970-1973
24-Feb-1973 Free Trade Hall, Manchester
24-Feb-1973 Free Trade Hall, Manchester

Artwork for this date

Click to download artwork for Some Of You Are Going To Die Click to download artwork for Live At Carnegie Hall Click to download untitled artwork Click to download artwork for Live Promo Click to download artwork for Live Promo Click to download artwork for Some Of You Are Going To Die Click to download artwork for Some Of You Are Going To Die (Recrafted By LeDoc Design) Click to download artwork for BURP 021 Click to download artwork for Live At Leicester And Manchester Click to download artwork for Genuine Genesis Live Click to download artwork for Free Trade Hall Remastered Click to download artwork for Live Raririties 1970-1973 Click to download untitled artwork Click to download untitled artwork


* Quality rating average from 61 cast votes.

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