02-Jul-1983, Tourhout Festival, Tourhout, Belgium

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41 years, 3 months, 23 days ago.

Date 02-Jul-1983
Venue Tourhout Festival, Tourhout
Country Belgium Type Audience
  Belgium Quality * B
  Media 2CD-R
Track # Track Name
1.2I Have The Touch
1.3Not One Of Us
1.4The Family And The Fishing Net
1.5Shock The Monkey
1.6Milgram's 37
1.7Family Snapshot
1.8Solsbury Hill
1.10I Don't Remember
1.11San Jacinto
1.12On The Air
1.13Biko (Part 1)
2.1Biko (Part 2)
2.2White Shadow
Total Running Time :

Recording Comments Recording comments
White Shadow is not on my tape. Has it been added from another show? [doublebassy]
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Show Memories Show memories
Having seen Peter's debut show on this tour at Shepton Mallet I was desperate to see him again... The UK shows sold out too fast and I was left with the choice of not seeing Peter or travelling abroad... well... having seen Genesis in Germany the year before... a trip to Belgium was noproblem..

Peter Gabriel and a beer festival all in one...I was in heaven... another superb performance! [alanh]
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Audio Recording Users owning this recording (including quality rating)
Jesper Moonen, alanh, meek, doublebassy (B), dodolurker82
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See Also See Also

02-Jul-1983 Tourhout Festival, Tourhout
02-Jul-1983 Tourhout Festival, Tourhout

Artwork for this date

Click to download artwork for Torhout Festival 83 Click to download untitled artwork


* Quality rating average from 1 cast vote.

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