15-Nov-2021, United Center, Chicago IL, USA - Chicago '21 (BluRay)

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2 years, 11 months, 10 days ago.

Title Chicago '21 (BluRay)
No artwork available
Date 15-Nov-2021
Venue United Center, Chicago IL
Country USA Type Audience
  USA Quality * B
  Media 1BluRay
Standard Format
Track Listing
Behind The Lines / Duke's End / Turn It On Again / Mama / Land Of Confusion / Home By The Sea / Second Home By The Sea / Fading Lights / The Cinema Show / Afterglow / That's All / The Lamb Lies Down On Broadway / Follow You, Follow Me / No Son Of Mine / Misunderstanding / Firth Of Fifth / I Know What I Like / Domino / Throwing It All Away / Tonight, Tonight, Tonight / Invisible Touch / I Can't Dance / Dancing With The Moonlit Knight / The Carpet Crawlers
Total Running Time : 02:06:16

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See Also See Also

15-Nov-2021 United Center, Chicago IL - Chicago '21

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* Quality rating average from 1 cast vote.

Total Page views : 147

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