12-Apr-1975, Vorst Nationaal, Brussels, Belgium - The Other Brussels '75

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49 years, 6 months, 13 days ago.

Title The Other Brussels '75
Date 12-Apr-1975
Venue Vorst Nationaal, Brussels
Country Belgium Type Audience
  Belgium Quality * B-
  Media 2CD-R
Track # Track Name
1.1In The Cage
1.2The Grand Parade Of Lifeless Packaging
1.3Story Of Rael (1)
1.4Back In NYC
1.5Hairless Heart
1.6Counting Out Time
1.7The Carpet Crawlers
1.8The Chamber Of 32 Doors (Part 1)
1.9Story Of Rael (2)
2.1Lilywhite Lilith
2.2The Waiting Room (Part 1)
2.3The Waiting Room (Part 2)
2.5Here Comes The Supernatural Anaesthetist
2.6The Lamia Intro
2.7The Lamia (Part 1)
2.9Silent Sorrow In Empty Boats
2.10The Colony Of Slippermen
2.12The Light Dies Down On Broadway
2.13Riding The Scree
2.14In The Rapids
2.16The Story Of Henry & Cynthia
2.17The Musical Box
2.18The Knife
Total Running Time :

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See Also See Also

12-Apr-1975 Vorst Nationaal, Brussels - The Belgian Connection '75

Artwork for this date

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* Quality rating average from 1 cast vote.

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