25-Apr-1995, Estadio Nacional, Lima, Peru - Lima 95 (DVD)

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29 years, 6 months, 0 days ago.

Title Lima 95 (DVD)
Date 25-Apr-1995
Venue Estadio Nacional, Lima
Country Peru Type Pro-Shot TV
  Peru Quality * B+
  Media 1DVD-R
Standard Format
Track Listing
Drum Duet / I Don't Care Anymore / Don't Lose My Number / Another Day In Paradise / One More Night / Separate Lives / Both Sides Of The Story / In The Air Tonight / Hang In Long Enough / Easy Lover / Only You Know And I Know / Something Happened On Te Way To Heaven / You Can't Hurry Love / Two Hearts / Sussudio / Against All Odds / Take Me Home

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Recording Comments Recording comments
Fairly good picture quality, but obviously not the complete broadcast, because parts of the excluded tracks are featured before a very uneligant but, most often accompagnied by an annoying screaming sound as when you hit the pause button on your recorder slowly. [kaspergm]
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Video Recording Users owning this recording (including quality rating)
Simon_Funnell (A), Matt McMad, Jesper Moonen (B+), Kaspergm (B+), wbeens (B+), neilston42, Chiffi_Argentina, Slipperman, tori (B+), Soulier, SimonH (B+), hecko, rickcoppola, bizon, earlofendos, lamb79 (A-), skmmg, mlpain24, TPhil90 (B+), cirrus, BUK, vanbijo, EnryPhilCollins (A-), kaysammy05, itat (B), fuelesfan, Face-Value (B+), homebythesea, tmmadhatter, dodo-argentina, donkey, lurker11
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* Quality rating average from 11 cast votes.

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