13-Mar-1980, Top Of The Pops Studio, BBC, London, England - In Concert '80 (DVD)

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44 years, 7 months, 14 days ago.

Title In Concert '80 (DVD)
(GMDVD 04)
Date 13-Mar-1980
Country Type Pro-Shot TV
  England Quality * A
  Media 1DVD-R
Standard NTSC Format 4:3
Track Listing
(Top Of The Pops - 13-Mar-80) Turn It On Again - 02:53
(Empire Theatre, Liverpool - 02&03-May-80) Documentary With Various Clips Of Turn It On Again / Deep In The Motherlode / Behind The Lines / Duchess / I Know What I Like / Dance On A Volcano / Drum Duet / Los Endos - 38:31
(Lyceum Ballroom, London - 07-May-80) Behind The Lines / Duchess / Guide Vocal / In The Cage / Afterglow / Dance On A Volcano / Drum Duet / Los Endos - 38:42
(Ottawa, Canada - 22-Jun-80) Silent 8mm - 17:50
Total Running Time : 1:37:56

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Recording Comments Recording comments
Top of The Pops and Lyceum are superb quality (even if Top of The Pops does cut off the song before the chorus!!). The Liverpool documentary is less good, picture wise, but the sound is fine and it's well worth watching from an interest point of view. [LivingForever]
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See Also See Also

13-Mar-1980 Top Of The Pops Studio, BBC, London - Genesis In Concert 1980 - 81 - PCM Audio Edition

Artwork for this date

No artwork is available for this show.


* Quality rating average from 20 cast votes.

Total Page views : 285

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