25-Jun-1977, Earls Court Arena, London, England - Earls Court 1977 (VCD)

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47 years, 4 months, 0 days ago.

Title Earls Court 1977 (VCD)
No artwork available
Date 25-Jun-1977
Venue Earls Court Arena, London
Country England Type Audience
  England Quality * B
  Media 1VCD-R
Standard Format 4:3
Track Listing
One For The Vine / Firth Of Fifth / ... In That Quiet Earth / Afterglow / I Know What I Like / Supper's Ready / Dance On A Volcano / Los Endos
Total Running Time : 18:21

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Recording Comments Recording comments
Once rare, this is now fairly common. Blue cone laser effect at end of Supper's Ready. Songs are incomplete.
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Simon_Funnell (B), neilston42, Chiffi_Argentina, Tradax, casey1942 (B), meek, dnhartle, SimonH, Nahuel_Argentina, andykeego (B), rickcoppola, bizon, earlofendos (B), richiemcg, lamb79 (B), volvoRman, Acolyte (B), mlpain24, OldHenry, cirrus, jackson, fuelesfan, Face-Value (B), the_knife (B), Langemozo (B), andrewk (B)
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See Also See Also

25-Jun-1977 Earls Court Arena, London - Earl's Court '77 (DVD)

Artwork for this date

Click to download untitled artwork Click to download artwork for Earl's Court '77 (DVD)


* Quality rating average from 10 cast votes.

Total Page views : 207

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