07-Mar-1971, La Ferme V, Woluwe St Lambert, Belgium - 40th Anniversary Remaster (Preview)

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53 years, 1 month, 13 days ago.

Title 40th Anniversary Remaster (Preview)
No artwork available
Date 07-Mar-1971
Venue La Ferme V, Woluwe St Lambert
Country Belgium Type Audience
  Belgium Quality * B
  Media 1CD-R
Track # Track Name
Track Length
1.1The Light
Total Running Time :

Recording Comments Recording comments
Source: LDB Special Series #302

Since the LDB version, which was supposed to be a lower generation source,
was released earlier this year on Dime, I was interested in a serious attempt of

I knew it would have been difficult. The sound quality of the source is rather
poor, the frequency response ends below 10 kHz and the hissing is covering most of
the remainder.

However, I was intrigued by the idea to get the remaster out in time for the 40th
Anniversary of this concert, which we all know is famous in many ways - the first
concert abroad, the oldest available recording of a live concert (apart from the 40
sec snippet of Roundhouse of course), the only available recording of the famous
song "The Light", which features embryonic elements of later songs, notably
"Lilywhite Lilith". I even persuaded David Raphael to do another one of his
fantastic artworks, in Trespass style of course and he delivered already in last

So if the remaster is actually finished before the Anniversary's year 2011 is over,
why releasing just one of the six songs instead of the whole thing? - There are two
reasons. First of all: I'm still not satisfied with the result. By comparing this
example to the numerous older remasters you might think this one does indeed sound
better than all of them. And you are probably right, but I think there is still
room for improvement. And this leads to the second reason: A new version of Cedar
Cambridge (V7) has been launched this year. The studio I am working for not only
agreed to upgrade to the new version recently, the order includes all restoration
plug-ins that are new or previously missing as well, so it makes not much sense to
complete the remaster just in order to get it out in time for the 40th Anniversary.

So this is just a teaser to the real thing, which most likely will sound better
than this one. Hence there is no artwork or the usual liner notes - just nine
minutes of a great song. Enjoy!

Happy new year 2012 by the way, see you there! :)

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Simon_Funnell (B), Chiffi_Argentina, meek, hecko, frdodd, benroberts79, Etem_T
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See Also See Also

07-Mar-1971 La Ferme V, Woluwe St Lambert - Twilight Francehouse
07-Mar-1971 La Ferme V, Woluwe St Lambert - Besides The Silent Mirror
07-Mar-1971 La Ferme V, Woluwe St Lambert
07-Mar-1971 La Ferme V, Woluwe St Lambert - Hogweed 12
07-Mar-1971 La Ferme V, Woluwe St Lambert
07-Mar-1971 La Ferme V, Woluwe St Lambert

Artwork for this date

Click to download artwork for Twilight Francehouse Click to download artwork for Besides The Silent Mirror Click to download artwork for First Time Abroad Click to download artwork for From Master Tape Click to download artwork for Hogweeds 12 Click to download artwork for Besides The Silent Mirror (HiRes) Click to download artwork for Hogweeds 12 - Supplementary Booklet Click to download artwork for Hogweeds 12 - Recrafted by LeDoc (HiRes)


* Quality rating average from 1 cast vote.

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