07-May-1995, Fukuoka Dome, Fukuoka, Japan - Both Sides Of Fukuoka

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29 years, 5 months, 18 days ago.

Title Both Sides Of Fukuoka
Date 07-May-1995
Venue Fukuoka Dome, Fukuoka
Country Japan Type FM
  Japan Quality * Unknown
  Media 1CD-R
Track # Track Name
1.1Junkpile Drums
1.2I Don't Care Anymore
1.3Another Day In Paradise
1.4One More Night
1.5Separate Lives
1.6Both Sides Of The Story
1.7In The Air Tonight
1.8Hang In Long Enough
1.9Something Happened On The Way To Heaven
1.10You Can't Hurry Love
1.11Two Hearts
1.13Take Me Home
Total Running Time :

Recording Comments Recording comments
Same Version as Mr. Nice Guy Recording. Only the Medley on this Recording is splitted... [fuelesfan]
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See Also See Also

07-May-1995 Fukuoka Dome, Fukuoka - Mr. Nice Guy
07-May-1995 Fukuoka Dome, Fukuoka - Fukuoka '95 (DVD)
07-May-1995 Fukuoka Dome, Fukuoka - Fukuoka '95 (DVD)
07-May-1995 Fukuoka Dome, Fukuoka

Artwork for this date

Click to download artwork for  Mr. Nice Guy Click to download artwork for  Live In Fukuoka 95 DVD Click to download artwork for Both Sides Of Fukuoka Click to download artwork for Fukuoka '95 (DVD)


* Quality rating average from cast votes.

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