18-Jun-1985, Poplar Creek Music Theater, Hoffman Estates IL, USA

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39 years, 4 months, 7 days ago.

Date 18-Jun-1985
Venue Poplar Creek Music Theater, Hoffman Estates IL
Country USA Type Audience
  USA Quality * A-
  Media 2CD-R
Track # Track Name
1.1I Don't Care Anymore
1.2Only You Know And I Know
1.3I Cannot Believe It's True
1.4This Must Be Love
1.5Against All Odds
1.6Inside Out
1.7Who Said I would
1.8If Leaving Me Is Easy
1.10Behind The Lines
1.12Don't Lose My Number
1.13The West Side
2.1One More Night
2.2In The Air Tonight / Band Introductions
2.3Like China
2.4You Can't Hurry Love
2.5It Don't Matter To Me
2.6Hand In Hand
2.7Take Me Home
2.8People Get Ready
2.9It's Alright
Total Running Time :

Recording Comments Recording comments
From master tapes [Simon_Funnell]
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Matt McMad, wbeens (B+), hecko, rickcoppola, Southpaw, bizon, lamb79 (B+), cirrus (B+), vanbijo, SquonkinMN (A), fuelesfan, Face-Value (A), dodolurker82, bastico (A-), rickson (A-)
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See Also See Also

18-Jun-1985 Poplar Creek Music Theater, Hoffman Estates IL
18-Jun-1985 Poplar Creek Music Theater, Hoffman Estates IL

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* Quality rating average from 7 cast votes.

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