24-Apr-1974, Music Hall, Boston MA, USA - More Fool Me

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50 years, 6 months, 1 day ago.

Title More Fool Me
(Highland HL029/30#G3)
Date 24-Apr-1974
Venue Music Hall, Boston MA
Country USA Type Audience
  USA Quality * B
  Media 2CD-R
Track # Track Name
Track Length
1.1Watcher Of The Skies
1.2Dancing With The Moonlit Knight
1.3The Cinema Show
1.4I Know What I Like
2.1Firth Of Fifth
2.2The Musical Box
2.3More Fool Me
2.4Supper's Ready (Medford 17-Nov-73)
Total Running Time :

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Audio Recording Users owning this recording (including quality rating)
Simon_Funnell, Matt McMad, Salvi (B), Chiffi_Argentina, alex (B-), Tradax, gsparaco (B), xNearDark (B-), CaptainRansid, meek, Ted_Sayers, dr.dado, saintee, Saurio (B), birdust, David35 (B), NeilC (B), Ecki, jackson, fuelesfan, itbites, zervin (B), benroberts79
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See Also See Also

24-Apr-1974 Music Hall, Boston MA
24-Apr-1974 Music Hall, Boston MA - Hogweed 10
24-Apr-1974 Music Hall, Boston MA
24-Apr-1974 Music Hall, Boston MA - Live In Boston 1974

Artwork for this date

Click to download artwork for More Fool Me Click to download untitled artwork Click to download artwork for Hogweeds 10 Click to download artwork for Hogweeds 10 - Supplementary Booklet Click to download artwork for Live In Boston 1974


* Quality rating average from 8 cast votes.

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